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Why is Rithm School so expensive

Why is Rithm School so expensive?

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Rithm School

Nov 10, 2023

We recently got asked this question and think it’s an important one to answer. 

“Why is Rithm School more expensive than other bootcamps?”

And secretly, we love answering this question because it gives us an opportunity to brag.

The short answer is: a better education requires more resources, more labor, and more research… which in turn, costs more money to run. 

Here at Rithm School, we’ve invested in the quality of our instructors, curriculum, and professional projects more than the average bootcamp. 

Let’s go through each point in more detail.

We Hire the Best Instructors

At Rithm School, our passionate instructors are both qualified educators and seasoned software engineers. Meaning, you’ll learn under instructors who have both extensive teaching expertise, and hands-on experience working in the field. 

In contrast, many of our competitors hire recent bootcamp grads to lead their cohorts. While they may be enthusiastic, they often lack the real-world exposure, context, and depth of experience needed to deliver the highest quality education.

Here are a few of our team members that you’ll learn under during the Rithm bootcamp:

Elie Schoppik, Co-Founder & Lead Instructor

Before founding Rithm school, Elie was a Lead Instructor at two other web development bootcamps. Over the course of the last 10 years, he’s helped support hundreds of students through full-time immersive programs. He’s passionate about writing curriculum and teaching through examples to make complex concepts easily accessible.

Joel Burton, VP of Education + Lead Instructor

Before switching to teaching, Joel worked as a software engineer at companies including Apple and Planned Parenthood. He has been teaching application development for over 10 years, both independently and as part of academic programs. He led the development and teaching programs at Hackbright Academy, where he was the VP of Education & Chief Academic Officer. 

Kadeem Best, Lead Instructor + Software Engineer

Kadeem spent years as a developer before moving on to teaching software engineering at post-secondary institutions including Seneca College, Humber College, and George Brown College. Education is very personal to him, and as an educator, he wears it like a badge of honor. 

We Keep Our Classes Small 

At Rithm School, we keep our class sizes small for a reason.

While many competitor bootcamps have class sizes of 40+ people, we intentionally keep our class sizes to 18-20 students so that it’s easy to learn, ask questions, and absorb information in class. 

At Rithm, we have a high student-to-instructor ratio, with one instructor for every 5 students.

We Review Your Code Every Single Day

Daily code reviews are a critical and valuable part of our curriculum that is unique to Rithm. 

Our instructors are able to give you 1:1 reviews to ensure you’re grasping each concept. 

We Allow Students to Work in a Live Codebase

At Rithm, we provide a unique opportunity to drop into a large professional codebase, understand Git workflow, read and work with legacy code, and more through our professional projects. 

This is similar to starting a new job and provides great content for your future interviews.

We Offer Comprehensive, Lifelong Career Support

The one thing you’ll hear over and over again from Rithm School grads is that the instructors and career coaches genuinely care about your wellbeing and future. This is why we spend so much of our time and resources on preparing students for job placement. 

We dedicate three weeks of the program to recruiting prep, with one week of technical prep that includes data structures and algorithms, white boarding, speaking on technical topics, refining techniques, and more. Then, we’ll spend two additional weeks on behavioral prep such as Linkedin profiles, cold emailing, networking with engineers in the field, perfecting your portfolio, and more. We’ll pair you with a great alumni mentor to lean on for support during your job search. And don’t worry, we don’t say goodbye after graduation!  Our dedicated career coach will check in with you long after the program is over, and is always available to support you. These are resources that you just won’t get with other bootcamps.

Choosing Quality Over Quantity with Rithm School

At Rithm, we have put a lot of work into our program to ensure that it stands out above the rest. 

And trust us, we’ve worked at other bootcamps, so we can confidently say that our program fills a gap in the market that wasn’t attainable before. 

Our hands-on curriculum and close-knit community make Rithm a one-of-a-kind bootcamp, and an excellent place to start your software engineering career. Just ask our hundreds of alumni! 

If you’re ready to get started at Rithm, we’ve made it really easy to apply. It takes just a few minutes and we’ll guide you step-by-step through the process. 

Apply to Rithm School here. In the meantime, you can check out one of our upcoming events over on Eventbrite or start with one of our free courses.

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