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Rithm School Remote Updates – Scholarships & Smaller Class Sizes

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Rithm School

May 6, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rithm School has temporarily transitioned our program to a live remote model. While we love in-person education and we think there is a lot of value in being physically there to instruct our students, we will continue to observe the recommendations and protocols established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local health departments in regard to congregating in person. Our transition to running fully online has been very successful, with little to no changes to our student success. Read more about how we plan to continue, and the small things we do plan to change (including scholarships!) until we can safely transition back to in-person learning.


Things that are not changing:

  1. Live lectures and labs. Just like the in-person class, we think it’s important to go over the material with the class live online. And just like in the in-person class, we want to make the lecture as interactive as possible. We call on students and expect a lot of engagement during the lecture. However, we know that certain concepts might not always click while you’re listening remotely, so we also record all of our live lectures for students to review later. You can read more about this on our remote learning FAQ here.

  2. Company projects. We believe that one of the best ways to prepare students for jobs as web developers is by giving them opportunities to work on real-world projects. Our latest cohort got the opportunity to work on their projects remotely, which you can read more about here

  3. 1:1 support. On the first day of class, one of your instructors will be assigned to you as your advisor. Your advisor will be your go-to person for any support you need, in the form of 1:1 check-ins for guidance, checking on your work, and how you’re doing mentally throughout the course. For students in the bay area, we will be providing in-person check-ins once the shelter-in-place is lifted.

  4. Job support. The final three weeks are devoted to the beginning of your job search. You’ll learn computer science fundamentals, remotely solve whiteboarding problems, and you’ll learn about strategies to help you pass behavioral screens, and get your foot in the door. The goal for this part of the course is to give you the tools you’ll need to land your first software development job.


Things that are changing:

  1. Scholarships. These are trying times for everyone, and we want to do what we can to make achieving your dreams within reach. For our July 2020 course, we are offering up to four scholarships up to $12,000 for our students who wish to pay upfront rather than opt for our income share agreement. These four scholarships will be first come, first serve, and based on need and merit. 

  2. Smaller class size. We typically have a 6:1 student to instructor ratio, which we’ve found to be perfect for in-person learning. We have decided to make our remote classes a bit smaller, capping at 15 students, to bring that ratio down to 5:1. This way we can ensure the inclusive and collaborative environment we’ve come to build for all of our students.

  3. The ability to offer entry outside of the Bay Area. A major upside to offering remote learning is that you can learn from your living room! We are happy to accept applications from students all around the world. 


Learn more and get started by applying here. Our Director of Admissions, Angelina, is also happy to connect with you to answer any questions you may have. You can book a time with her here

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