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Soft Skills That Actually Matter In Tech

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Rithm School

Aug 22, 2017

According to CareerBuilder, 77% of employers value soft skills just as much as hard skills. You can be writing some of the best code out there, but it will amount to little if you don’t work well with others. There are tons of people interviewing for boot camps and joining the masses in their post-graduation job search. Having strong communication and people skills are what’s going to reward you that winning competitive edge.

What soft skills can you improve on that actually matter?

1. Communication

Communication is a no-brainer when you think of soft skills, but it’s easier said (or not said) than done. Sure, your code will prove that you’re capable, but your communication skills will be the deciding factor if someone wants to work with you or not. If you can clearly express the who, what, when, where, why and how of what you’re working on, people will be going out of their way to employ you.

Communication Photo

2. Adaptability

Adaptability is especially important in the tech world. With languages constantly updating and changing, you should be ready to tackle the latest updates at any moment. The same goes for human interaction. Does an employer need to reschedule an interview? Don’t fret, take a deep breath and adapt to your new timeline.

3. Attention to Detail

Paying attention to detail means you need to up your critical observation game. On the technical side, a fresh set of eyes who can analyze data efficiently will set you apart. In person, paying attention can be the tipping point that puts you over the edge with another candidate. This can be as simple as researching the company you’re interviewing with and being able to ask questions or talk about projects or initiatives they have worked on.

Remember that you may have all the chops in the world, but poor soft skills will only hinder your future productivity. These skills don’t always come naturally (and that’s okay) so take some time each day to work on them. Practice makes perfect, consider coming to one of our many events to get started now!

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