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Free Course Prep

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Rithm School

Sep 20, 2016

We've been talking to a number of potential students over the past few weeks, and have had some great conversations with students from a variety of backgrounds. As we've been having these conversations, though, a challenge has emerged. With so many resources available for people who want to learn on their own, and with the emergence of short courses like First Step Coding aimed at people who are on the fence about a career change into web development, people are coming to us from different backgrounds and with varying levels of experience. So how can we try to level that playing field, and assess who would be a good fit for our program as objectively as possible?

Today we're pleased to announce the release of a free mini-course on the fundamentals of JavaScript. Our goal here is to give all our potential students a clear understanding of some of the basic features of the language. This way, when we talk with students during the application process, the expectation around what students should and should not be able to talk about is much clearer. If you can get through the prep materials, you should be in great shape to chat about JavaScript with any of us here at Rithm.

We don't care about how much you know when you apply, but we do care about how you (1) think about solving problems, and (2) persevere in the face of challenging questions. By offering this course prep, every potential student can begin the application process with the same learning materials. And finishing those materials will help set students up for success.

We've got some cool upgrades planned for these free materials in the coming weeks, but we couldn't wait to share them any longer. Whether you're strongly considering coming to Rithm, or are just curious about JavaScript, we'd love for you to check out or prep materials and give us your feedback. You can dig in to the materials here. And if you get stuck, or have any questions, you can always chat with us directly by clicking on the box in the bottom-right corner of this page. Let us know what you think – hope to hear from you!

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