After 7 successful years teaching full stack web development, Rithm School has decided to close and won’t have any future cohorts. View FAQs

Join our full-time,
full-stack coding bootcamp

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Don’t just take our word for it

Brenda Liu
Brenda Liu
Retail Merchandiser Turned Software Engineer
Rithm School Graduate - October 2022

Best place to transition industries! Overall, I am grateful for the knowledge and experience I gained during my time at Rithm School, and highly recommend the program to anyone interested in pursuing a career in software engineering.

Julie Han
Julie Han
Entrepreneur and Pharmacist turned Software Engineer
Rithm School Graduate - October 2022

Rithm School delivered on everything it promised: small classes, personalized attention, regular 1:1 meetings, knowledgeable and passionate instructors, positive learning environment, solid coursework and a TON of job assistance support during and after graduation. I learned so much, faster and better than I would have on my own. I gained a lot of confidence in my abilities. I made great friends with peers and alumni. And I was wonderfully prepared for my job interviews and ready to ace them, despite the current difficult job market. 

Nico Martinucci
Nico Martinucci
Transportation Program Manager turned Software Engineer
Rithm School Graduate - March 2023

I had such an incredible experience at Rithm. I was initially drawn to smaller class sizes (and the opportunity to learn a second back-end language, which proved VERY useful in the job search), and it did not disappoint. It’s equal parts rigorous, engaging, and dare I say fun. It’s clear that their focus is on you as the student, not on their graduation/employment stats or anything else superfluous – they’ve created an incredible formula where taking care of the former leads to the latter, and I’d go back in a heartbeat.

Ashley Mathew - Rithm School Student
Ashley Mathew
Pharmacist Turned Software Engineer
Rithm School Graduate - February 2023

Best decision I’ve made! I do a lot of research on Course Report and Reddit to help decide which school would debt he best fit for me. I’m so happy that I ended up choosing Rithm! A few of my favorite things are the M-F classes, the professional project, small class sizes, and daily code reviews. Overall I’m super happy with my decision and would recommend it to anyone that is on the fence!

Jessica Chen
Customer Service Specialist Turned Software Engineer at FloQast
Rithm School Graduate - 2021

The single best thing about Rithm is the instructors.  They’re super knowledgeable, patient, and willing to answer any question you have about the curriculum.  You’re matched with an instructor as your advisor, who you meet with every other week. You can definitely tell they are there to help you succeed, so never be shy about asking questions! 

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Kat Huang
Nurse Turned Software Engineer II at Hinge Health
Rithm School Graduate - 2021

Rithm School was amazing! I loved the small class sizes, and their curriculum is solid. I’m a fan of how they try to keep up with industry standards with the materials they teach. Overall, it was a great program and it definitely prepared me well (especially with React) and landed me an awesome role after 3 months. 

Join a full-time bootcamp that's different than the rest

We keep our Bootcamp classes small so that you can receive the attention and care you need from our veteran instructors. The best part? You’ll walk away with a close-knit group of peers and connections that will last long after Bootcamp ends.

We’ll don’t throw generic concepts at you. At Rithm School, our instructors spend a significant amount of time on critical engineering principles, real-world problem solving, and daily code reviews.

We aren’t just a bunch of developers. We’re developers & engineers who also have decades of teaching and educational
experience behind us. We’re passionate about teaching you everything you need to know to succeed.

Learn both Javascript and Python

Here’s a sneak peak of what you can expect in your first coding challenge with our admissions team.

Learn what it's like to work as a software engineer

At Rithm School, we don’t just teach you how to code. We teach you how to apply it. You’ll learn critical engineering fundamentals, and put your knowledge to the test as you work alongside our partnership companies on real-world professional projects.

Intensively prepare for your new career

It’s no wonder so many hiring partners prefer to hire from Rithm School. We spend the last 4 weeks of Bootcamp intensively preparing you for your first new role with in-depth technical and interview practice.

Download the
program syllabus

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